Tailored Acupuncture
Don’s Acupuncture is different from other acupuncture practitioners. With over 35 years of experience Don is able to offer a thorough and intensive acupuncture which is tailored to each person's special and unique requirement.
Don uses more techniques
Some of the techniques and methods Don uses are powerful as he adds his knowledge of Korean Hand Therapy, UCLA Auriculotherapy, etc..
Don treats all conditions and specializes in acute-chronic injuries and pain, appearance, female conditions, weight loss and cancers.
Don teaches you his unique self treatment methods.
Don shares useful information on health.
Come and experience extraordinary benefits for yourself.
Don has had a unique experience at 'The KHT (Korean Hand Therapy) cancer clinic' in Korea and helped many cancer patients over a few decades. Don uses various unique cancer treatments that have been proven clinically effective. Among them are Korean Hand Therapy (The most powerful treatment for cancers), acupuncture, heat therapy like moxibustion and Ramekin moxa (Don’s invention), Hera’s cancer recipes, etc.
Acute-chronic Injuries and Pain
Don’s treatment is extremely effective for acute-chronic injuries and pain.
This is because he adds to his acupuncture, Korean Hand Therapy which is the best treatment ever for acute-chronic injuries and pain. (eg. Don can fix a sprained ankle with 1 or 2 sessions.)
Women's conditions
Don has helped many women with a variety of women’s conditions like infertility, endometriosis, period issues, difficult labor, cervical cancer, to name a few.
Don has a very unique program for appearance. It involves cosmetic acupuncture, tailored acupuncture, UCLA Auriculotherapy, Korean Hand Therapy, Don created self treatment, etc. It also involves 'microbiome skin care' which is newly introduced to appearance.
Weight loss
Don has a special prescription for weight loss with his intensive treatment coupled with some unique self treatment methods he teaches to patients. You can stop experiencing the yo-yo phenomena as he treats not only the symptoms but underlying causes.